Our Specialist Service
We advise on the most suitable secured loan for the needs of homeowners referred to us by regulated mortgage advisers. We only advise on secured loan products and we only advise homeowners that have been referred to us by fully regulated mortgage advisers.
What this means for you
This ensures you get an independent assessment that a secured loan is the best product for your needs thanks to a mortgage adviser assessing your alternatives and also that you get the specialist advice and support that a secured loan needs.
We only advise people who have been referred
If you have not been referred to Brilliant Loans by a regulated mortgage adviser, please contact a regulated mortgage adviser before contacting Brilliant Loans. If you have already spoken to a regulated mortgage adviser, please ensure that the adviser refers you to us themselves and we will contact you to discuss our services once we have the referral from your mortgage adviser.
What if I am a returning client?
Returning borrowers will be referred to their mortgage adviser for any refinance or further borrowing needs. This is to ensure you receive the broadest financial advice possible, getting you the best possible outcome. Our restricted advice on secured loans is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority unless you are specifically notified otherwise. If you require advice at any stage on any other product or service, please contact your mortgage adviser.